Bash and Pieces
Here is a list of “useful” bash commands that I always seem to forget …
Get CPU percentage
top -bn 2 -d 0.1 | grep -E '^(%)?Cpu' | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2+$4+$6}'
# top -b for batch
# top -n 2 for 2 sequences
# top -d 0.1 difference of 0.1 second
# grep -E for regex pattern - some OS will start the line with %Cpu and some other won't
# tail -n 1 to get the last line
# awk to add numbers up
Get Memory percentage
free -t | grep 'Total' | awk '{print ($3 * 100) / $2 }'
# free -t to display the total
# grep the last line
# awk to make a percentage
Count the total number of docker containers
docker ps -aq | wc -l
# docker ps will list the docker containers - you can filter stuff here with the --filter parameter
# wc -l counts the total of line
Get a timestamp in seconds
date +%s%N | cut -b1-13
# cut -b1-13 will keep the 13 first digits which is what we want because the date will return the nano seconds
Prompt for user input with a timeout
Sometimes people fall asleep in front of their screen so a simple read -p "your question:" $value;
will be prompted for ever… Add a timeout!
printf "What is your favourite colour?\n"
read -t 10 $colour;
if [[ $? = "1" ]]; then
printf "Are you asleep?"
read -t 10 $colour;
Note that once the timeout of 10 seconds is reached, the command will fail with the error code “1”.