How to log your deployments with codebase

I use codebase at work for hosting our projects using git. I discovered recently that I could also log every deployment I make with capifony on either our staging or production environment (or both).

It is quite straightforward to setup, and codebase explain every step to follow in their “Show Setup Instructions”:

Install codebase locally

sudo gem install codebase4

Go to your “Deploys” page and find your token, then run

cb token [token]

# check if it worked:
cb test

Log your deployment

cb deploy (prev_hash) (current_hash) -s (domains) -e (environment) -b (branch) -h -r (project) --protocol https
  • prev_hash is the commit hash the project was at before the deployment.
  • current_has is the commit hash you are deploying.
  • domains is a list of domains you are deploying to. Can be a comma list (,,….).
  • branch is the branch you are deploying (usually master but hey - you could be deploying staging on a training environment).
  • project is your codebase permalink project (visible in the URL of your codebase project).

Automatically deploy with Capifony

I previously showed you how to use capifony and deploy your projects, it is now time to use capifony to log your deployment.

Add a custom task to your app/config/deploy.rb as follow:

namespace :custom do
    namespace :log do
        task :codebase do
            capifony_pretty_print "--> Logging deployment on codebase"
            run_locally "cb deploy #{previous_revision} #{current_revision} -s #{application} -e #{stage} -b #{branch} -h -r project --protocol https"

after "deploy", "custom:log:codebase"

And now, after each cap:deploy, custom:log:codebase will be triggered and log the deployment on your codebase!

If everything goes well, you should see the list of your deployments in the “Deployments” tab of your projects:

a few deployments logged a few deployments logged

P.S: Codebase offers a free plan which gives you one project, 100MB disk space and 2 users.